The Helix Turn Helix (HTH) motif is present in many prokaryotic and eukaryotic DNA binding proteins. The Helix Turn Helix motif was first DNA-binding structure to be identified.

The structure of Helix Turn Helix motif

  1. The motif is made up of two α helices separated by a β turn, made up of four amino acids, the second of which is generally glycine.
  2. This turn, in conjunction with the first α helix, positions the second α helix on the surface of the protein in an orientation that enables it to fit inside the major groove of a DNA molecule.
  3. This second α helix is known as recognition helix (C terminal α helix).
  4. The HTH is generally 20 or so amino acids in length and so is just a small part of the protein as a whole.

The diagrammatic representation of HTH motif:

Helix Turn Helix motif

The homeodomain:

  1. The homeodomain is an extended HTH motif possessed by proteins and coded by homeotic genes.
  2. It is made up of the highly conserved domain of 60 amino acids encoded by a 180 bp DNA sequence called a homeobox.
  3. It has three α helices and helices 2 and 3 are separated by a β turn.
  4. Helix 3, which is 17 amino acids residues long, acts as a recognition helix.
  5. Helix 3 binds to the major groove of DNA.
  6. Helix 1 makes contacts within the minor groove.


Binding motifOrganismRegulatory protein
Helix Turn Helix E. coliLac repressor, CAP
Helix Turn Helix PhageCro

Other DNA binding motifs:

  1. Introduction to DNA binding motifs:
  2. helix-loop-helix:
  3. leucine zipper motif:
  4. zinc finger motif:

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