The Helix Loop Helix motif (HLH) is involved in both DNA binding and protein dimerization.

The structure of Helix Loop Helix motif:

The HLH motif is composed of two regions of α helix of 15-16 residues separated by a region of variable length, which forms a loop between the two α helices.

The length of connecting loop varies from 12-28 amino acid residues. this motif is quite similar to the leucine zipper motif.

The diagrammatic representation of HLH motif:

Helix Loop Helix motif
Active HLH homodimerparticipate in both DNA binding and protein dimerization.

Other DNA binding motifs:

  1. Introduction to DNA binding motifs:
  2. helix-turn-helix:
  3. leucine zipper motif:
  4. zinc finger motif:

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