GATE- XL quiz

This segment deals with the quiz regarding the all sub topics of the GATE-XL. Please practice the quiz daily to boost your preparation.



1 / 10

The formation of a carbocation, also called an oxonium ion, occurs during the reaction catalyzed by

2 / 10

Proteolytic enzymes are usually biosynthesized as large, inactive precursors known as

3 / 10

Choose the option with two reducing sugars.

4 / 10

Which amino acid residue is most likely to be found in the interior of a water-soluble globular protein?

5 / 10

Which of the following statements is correct in the case of chaperone proteins?

6 / 10

Which of the following has a quaternary structure?

7 / 10

Which of the following types of interactions is mainly responsible for the aggregation of proteins in dilute solutions?

8 / 10

The active site amino acid residue that could be involved in a reaction catalyzed by an enzyme with a pH optimum of 4 would be

9 / 10

Gangliosides contain

10 / 10

The length of a helical section of a polypeptide chain of 20 residues would be

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The average score is 43%




1 / 10

Which one of the following statements is not correct?

2 / 10

Detoxification of alcohol occurs in liver cells where peroxisomal enzymes remove hydrogen from it, which is

3 / 10

When cells are treated with cyanide, which one of the following organelles will have the highest level of cyanide inside?

4 / 10

Presume that you can measure DNA content in a single cell throughout its cell cycle. After measuring the DNA content during G1 phase, at what other points during the remainder of the cell cycle would you find changes in DNA per cell?

5 / 10

All of the following statements about heterochromatin are true except one. Which one?

6 / 10

Apicoplast is a unique organelle in malarial parasite which can be used as a specific drug target. The macromolecular transactions that take place in apicoplast are

7 / 10

Nucleosomes contain a core and a linker region. The histones present in the core region and the histones present in the linker region are

8 / 10

Proper execution of cell division cycle in ensured by ____.

9 / 10

The histone H1 is present in the

10 / 10

The transport of molecules of a particular solute from inside an animal cell across the cell membrane to the extra cellular fluid always requires energy when

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The average score is 42%




1 / 28

Which two of the following are the incorrect statements?

P. All plants fix CO2 by the action of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase. The reaction occurs in the bundle sheath of C4 plants.

Q. All plants fix CO2 by the action of ribulose biphosphate carboxylase. The reaction occurs in the mesophyll cells of C4 plants.

R. Phosphoenol pyruvate + CO2 → Oxaloacetate + Pi, catalyzed by the enzyme phosphoenol pyruvate carboxylase occurs in the mesophyll cells of C4 plants.

S. Phosphoenol pyruvate + CO2 →Oxaloacetate + Pi, catalyzed by the enzyme phosphoenol pyruvate dehydrogenase occurs in the mesophyll cells of C4 plants.

2 / 28

The two enzymes commonly used for isolation of protoplasts from plants are

3 / 28

In the symbiotic nitrogen fixation process, leghemoglobin present in the nodule helps in fixing nitrogen in presence of the enzyme

4 / 28

During cellular respiratory process, pyruvate must be oxidized to acetyl CoA and CO2 before it enters the citric acid cycle.

The corresponding simplified equation is

Pyruvate + NAD+ + CoASH → Acetyl-S-CoA + NADH + CO2

This oxidation reaction occurs in mitochondria and is carried out in presence of the enzyme

5 / 28

Which of the following statements are true for respiration?

P. The conversion of one molecule of pyruvate to three molecules of CO2 generates four molecules of NADH.

Q. Fructose 6-phospate is the principal substrate for glycolysis.

R. The oxidation of glucose 6-phosphate to 6-phosphogluconate is the first step in the oxidative pentose phosphate pathway.

S. The mitochondrial ‘alternative oxidase’ provides an alternative pathway for transfer of electrons from ubiquinone to oxygen utilizing proton pumping complex of the respiratory chain.

6 / 28

Light harvesting complex II is located in the

7 / 28

Absorption maxima of phytochrome is (Pfr)

8 / 28

The CO2 acceptor in C4 plants is

9 / 28

When a cell expends energy to move a solute across its membrane against a concentration gradient, the process is called

10 / 28

A hormone that controls closure of stomata in response to water stress is

11 / 28

The loss of liquid water through hydathode is called

12 / 28

Which of the following cell organelles is involved in photorespiration?

13 / 28

The growth retardant cycocel (CCC) inhibit sub-apical cell division by blocking the biosynthesis of

14 / 28

CO2 fixation during C4 pathway occurs in the chloroplast of

15 / 28

Photosystem II has an absorption maximum at

16 / 28

How many molecules of ATPs are produced during oxidation of each molecule of NADH?

17 / 28

Photooxidation of chlorophyll is prevented by

18 / 28

Which one of the following statements about hexose monophosphate shunt is not true?

19 / 28

Which of the following phytohormone induces fruit ripening?

20 / 28

The enzyme responsible for movement of genetic element around the genome is

21 / 28

The semi-dwarf trait of corn, wheat and rice plants used in breeding program during 1960s resulted in green revolution. Later this ‘green-revolution gene’ has been identified to be involved in either signal transduction pathway or biosynthesis of

22 / 28

Plantibody is the

23 / 28

An ideal cybrid should have

24 / 28

In naturally occurring cytoplasmic male sterility, the molecular determinant is located in

25 / 28

For successful transfer of a foreign gene from the engineered Ti-plasmid to the plant genome, few cisacting DNA elements and trans-acting protein factors are very much essential. Select the correct combination from the following.


26 / 28

Which of the following statements are true on transgene approach?

P. T-DNA integration occurs mainly through nonhomologous recombination.

Q. The Gateway cloning depends on recombination technology as opposed to standard uses of restriction enzymes and DNA ligase.

R. The localization of β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity as a result of expression of GUS reporter gene can be visualized in a histochemical assay using the X-gal.

S. The green fluorescent protein gene (GFP) is isolated from the bacterium Photinus pyralis.

27 / 28

Which of the following statements are correct for somatic cell hybridization?

P. For fusion of protoplast, dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) is used as a fusogen.

Q. The enzyme ‘Cellulase Onozuka’ used for protoplast isolation is sourced from Trichoderma viride.

R. The first report of somatic hybrid plants resulted from the fusion of protoplasts of Nicotiana glauca and N. tabacum.

S. Viability of isolated protoplasts can be determined by Evan’s blue staining.

28 / 28

Cytoplasmic male sterility via the chloroplast genome can be induced by the expression of Pha A gene encoding

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The average score is 49%




1 / 7

What is the generation time of this bacterium?

2 / 7

In which of the following cases of microbial growth, lag phase usually does not occur?

3 / 7

If the E. coli cells are grown in a medium containing both glucose and lactose, what is likely to happen?

4 / 7

Assume that E. coli has been grown in a nutrient medium containing lactose only. When the culture has reached the logarithmic phase of growth, the cells are harvested and transferred to medium containing glucose only. You would expect the culture to

5 / 7

Metabolic yield of a product being produced by an industrially important microorganism is defined as

6 / 7

In a bacterial cell culture, the initial cell population (N0) was 10^3 cells per mL. In 5 hours and 40 minutes, it has gone through 20 generations. The final cell population (N1) and growth rate constant (K), respectively are:

7 / 7

A bacterial suspension when counted in Petroff-Hausser bacteria counting chamber showed on average 20 bacteria in one large square (each large square = 1/25 mm2). The number of bacteria per mL of the suspension is

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The average score is 42%


Food Technology

Food Technology

1 / 5

When garlic is cut or processed, the crushed garlic odor is due to the formation of

2 / 5

Blanching influences vegetable tissues in terms of

3 / 5

The brown color of bread crust during baking is due to Maillard reaction between

4 / 5

In the extruder barrel, the compression is achieved by back pressure created by the die and by

5 / 5

The total solids content in a milk sample is 18%. It is desired to produce 1000 kg of sweetened condensed milk (SCM) having 40% sugar, 25% moisture and rest milk solids. What is the ‘Sugar Ratio’ (in percentage) in the SCM in terms of sugar and water content in the final product?

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