Table of Contents
This segment deals with the formulas to solve the numerical of PART-A. This will help every students to secure 20 marks out or 30 marks in this section very easily. The remaining 10 marks depend on the analytical ability of the students. The graphical analysis, coding-decoding, reasoning are the key to gain the remaining 10 marks. In which, the students have to use their analytical skills on the spot of exam instead of some formulas.
Power cycle with the respective digits

The basic algebra formulas:

The Roman symbols:

The formulas of two-dimensional figures to solve the major numerical:

The formulas of three-dimensional figures to solve the major numerical:

The properties of polygons and their angles:

The formulas and facts regarding quadratic equation:

The formulas and facts regarding surds, indices:

Know about Relative speed, average speed and their formulas:

The formulas of Compound interest:

The formulas of profit and loss:

Rules for H.C.F. & L.C.F.:

Related notes:
Important topics to solve part-C: