The alternative polyadenylation is a major type of polyadenylation process. Please read the whole notes and the main notes of polyadenylation for better understanding.

The brief description of alternative polyadenylation:

In mRNAs of some protein-coding genes, the addition of poly-A tail occurs at one of the several possible sites. These protein-coding genes have more than one polyadenylation site, so a gene can code for several mRNAs that differ in the position of poly-A tail. This process is referred to as alternative polyadenylation.

The result of the phenomenone:

This process causes the formation of more than one transcript from a single gene.

The example of the phenomenon:

One common example of the process occurs during the development of B-lymphocytes.


During development, the synthesis of antibody molecule switches from membrane-bound forms to secreted forms. The difference is due to a switch from one polyadenylation site to another in pre-mRNAs. This results in a shorter antibody molecule, lacking hydrophobic membrane-spanning part at the C-terminal ends of the heavy chains.

The link of the Suggestive journal of this topic with the diagram are provided here:

Alternative polyadenylation
Name of the journal: Alternative polyadenylation of mRNA precursors:
  1. 5′ capping:
  2. Polyadenylation:

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