Facts and application of Bioinformatics especially for DBT-JRF:  [Part -1]

These notes are only for the students who are not interested in Bioinformatics but want to solve and memorize the common questions in DBT-JRF. you should know the basic application to clear your competitive exam.

 Bioinformatics: DOT BLOT: Pairwise sequence similarity

Protein database:

Try to recall the names and the subcategories. 

 E- value:


Have a look at the difference between local and global alignment. 

If a nucleotide sequence encoding a protein is known and a homologous protein to be identified, –> the best analysis tool is BLASTx.

Read the following:

 Substitution Matrix: [Along with PAM and BLOSUM]

These notes are based on the PYQs. 

Application of Bioinformatics

  • Similarity search:

GO to part 2 of the basic application of Bioinformatics to know more.

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