Polyadenylation is one of the major methods of the processing of eukaryotic pre-mRNA after the capping mechanism.

Introduction to polyadenylation:

Virtually all eukaryotic mRNAs have a series of up to 250 adenosines at their 3′ ends called poly-A tail. A poly-A tail is added to the 3′ end of mRNAs and plays an important role in mRNA stability, nucleocytoplasmic export, and translation.

The poly-A tail is not specified by the DNA and is added to the transcript by a template-independent RNA polymerase called poly-A polymerase (PAP) after endo nucleolytic cleavage of the nascent RNA near the 3′ terminus. These two coupled reactions (cleavage and formation of poly-A tail), are collectively referred to as cleavage and poly-adenylation or, simply, polyadenylation.

The steps of polyadenylation:

A single processing complex undertakes both the cleavage and poly-adenylation and a signal is required.

Step 1:

  • In mammals, this process is directed by a signal sequence called poly-A signal in the mRNA, almost invariably 5′-AAUAAA-3′ (upstream element).
  • It is located between 10 to 30 nucleotides upstream of the polyadenylation site.
  • Almost equal and lesser than 30 nucleotides downstream of the polyadenylation site is a GU-rich (or U-rich) downstream element.
  • Both the poly-A signal sequence and the GU rich elements are the binding sites for the multi-subunit protein complexes, which are which are respectively, the cleavage and poly-adenylation specificity factor (CPSF) and the cleavage stimulating factor (CstF).

The diagram, describes the above step 1:

polyadenylation-step 1

Step 2:

  • Generation of poly-A tail at 3′ terminus first requires cleavage factors- CFI and CF II which act as endonucleases to cleave the RNA at poly-adenylation site.

The diagram, describes the above step 2:

  • Cleavage is followed by the poly-adenylation in a tightly coupled manner. The poly (A) polymerase (PAP) catalyzes the target reaction in template independent manner. Its substrate is ATP.

Step 3:

The reaction of poly-adenylation passes through two consecutive stages-

  • A rather short oligo-A sequence (~10 residues) is added to the 3′ end.
  • The oligo-A tail is extended to the full ~200 residue length.

The diagram, describes the above step 3:

Step 4:

  • This reaction needs another stimulatory factor that identifies the oligo-A tail.
  • This additional factor includes poly-adenylate-binding protein (PABP), which helps the polymerase to add the adenosines.
  • PABP influences the length of the poly-A tail that is formed and appears to play a role in the maintenance of the tail after synthesis.

The diagram, describes the above step 4:

The schematic representation of the process of polyadenylation:

The steps of poly-adenylation according to the above description


  1. This process also occurs in some mRNA in bacteria.
  2. In E. coli, this process in some mRNA leads to the formation of poly-A tail of 10-40 nucleotides.
  3. It is catalyzed by poly (A) polymerase associated with ribosomes.
  4. Here, poly-A tail acts as a binding site for the nucleases (PNPase and RNaseE) responsible for degradation of mRNA.
  1. 5′ capping: https://thebiologyislove.com/5-capping/
  2. Alternative poly-adenylation: https://thebiologyislove.com/alternative-polyadenylation/

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