Doubling time (td) indicates how long the present population will take to double from its present or initial size. It is a measure of how rapidly a population grows.

The td for an exponential function N0ert is the time td (doubling time) that gives a population of 2 X N0. Thus, we can get the doubling time by solving the equation:

J-shaped growth curve- Exponential growth curve
J-shaped growth curve- Exponential growth curve

Deduction of the equation:

Nt = N0ert

Nt= population density at time t
N0= population density at time 0
r= intrinsic rate of natural increase

t= time interval
e= the base of the natural logarithm (constant about 2.7)
The term e to the power r is the factor by which the population increases during each time unit.

Nt = N0ert

or, 2 X N0 = N0ertd

or, ertd = 2

[This equation indicates that rtd is the power of e that gives 2.]

or, rtd = ln 2

or, td = ln 2/r

Final formula for the calculation:

Formula of doubling time
Formula of doubling time

Where, td = Doubling time; r = intrinsic rate of increase


From the above equation, if the intrinsic rate of increase (r) is easily known, the td of a population can be easily calculated. However, we assume that the population is not affected by its age distribution, and that r (the intrinsic rate of increase) is a constant during this period.

  1. Population growth- Geometric growth:
  2. Population growth- Exponential growth:

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